In Shishmaref you can't go to the store expecting anything. They may or may not have it. They may also have something completely unexpected. I've learned to just wander over to the store every once in a while just to scope things out. I've also learned to buy whatever they have- no matter what it cost. Today I went to the store to get something to drink, and it ended up being one of the best shopping days EVER.

This is what I came home with. You will notice that my haul includes oranges, an onion, a green pepper, YELLOW peppers (I have never seen yellow peppers here), potatoes, grapefruit juice, and a gigantic bag of lettuce, spinach, and greens. (The pop was a gift for Steve who is married to someone who thinks that pop is unhealthy. I also knew he wasn't going to get all jazzed over some vegetables.)

I was especially excited about the large bag of salad fixings (which is why I am tenderly embracing it). When I carried the bag to the cash register, the employees had no idea how much to charge me. It turns out that the bag arrived in a big mis-shipment (which explains why so many fresh things were at the store at the same time). After searching the inventory lists, they decided to charge me $8.85! I was so totally amazed. That it about the same amount I pay for a head of iceberg lettuce at the store normally.

The best part was when they rang up the total. Only $41.42! That may sound like a lot, and I would have once thought the same thing. But, it is an absolute bargain for Shishmaref shopping.
We will be eating lots of salad over the next week, but that's okay! I am willing to completely adapt my entire eating schedule any time the store has produce.
All that food and under 50 bucks? That is so amazing. Angie, you're the coolest!
Steve ; )
I will never cease to be amazed at how much you have to spend on groceries! Kudos to you for happening upon some amazing loot, and, only after much assurance from you, an amazing deal! I especially love the tender embrace of your salad greens! :D Also, thanks for the kudos on the header; he was pretty flattered when I showed him!
Love the pic of you and the greens! You make a nice looking couple =)
You must have felt like you found a million bucks in there :) I think that picture of you cuddling the greens should be alongside the pic of Steve hefting the pasta sauce ;)
I was talking to the husband of the girl I visit teach here in Montana, and he mentioned a friend of hers who teaches school in a little village called Sheshmaref! I was surprised that it wasn't you! It's such a small, small world.
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