I got to go berry picking with this little guy yesterday.
Astute VFN readers will notice that the little cutie is wearing a life jacket. And in front of a background of water. That's because we were on a boat. The good berries are always a little ways outside of town.
We stopped by the white truck. Apparently, it's a local landmark.
We were surrounded by beautiful fall colors.
At our feet were berries. They grow really close to the ground.
These are the berries from
this post. They are called blackberries by people around here, but another name for them is crowberries. They are less desirable than blueberries or cranberries, but they were the most plentiful, so I decided to pick them.
My little boating buddy picked shotgun shells.
I was quite pleased with how many berries I got in a few hours. The women from Brevig and Shishmaref would probably laugh if they saw how few berries I got. They typically pick up to twenty-five gallons a season.
The berries are beautiful. I look forward to enjoying them this winter.